New Leadership Series


a 3-part initiative to elevate neurodiversity and promote workplace inclusion

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Become A Neuroinclusive Leader

The neurodiverse population remains a largely untapped talent pool. Largely due to a lack of understanding and awareness to the invisible differences amongst us, today’s businesses and their leadership have an opportunity to evolve their approaches.

This transformational series is for conscious leaders to develop inclusive approaches for empowering disclosure, fostering workplace relationships, and creating the space for all professionals to actualize their potential at work.

All Brains Welcome Meeting & Mindset Accelerator

Tuesday March 19th 2024

The Social Construction of Workplace Inclusion

Tuesday March 26th, 2024

Designing for Neuroinclusion For A Better World

Tuesday April 2nd 2024

Contributing Organizations



“I see our workforce as an interconnected web of relationships. We each play a part in creating the best possible future of work. As an Autistic leader, I’m passionate about elevating neurodiversity and ensuring every professional has opportunities to contribute in the ways that matter to them.”

- Julia Armet, Founder of Higher Playbook

  • 3 x 3-hour virtual workshops
  • Experience socially innovative activities
  • Be a part of an international community!
  • Get first-access to workplace opportunities
All Brains Welcome Meeting

Experience the power of neuroinclusion in the mindset accelerator workshop, where you'll break down barriers to self-understanding and inspire appreciation for distinct ways of thinking. You'll join a diverse community of leaders to explore neurodiversity in leadership.

  • Understand Your Unique Brain
  • Promote Psychological Safety at Work
  • Empower Self-Disclosure
The Social Construction of Workplace Inclusion

Embark on a transformative journey, where you’ll partner with your peers to disrupt internal, social, and environmental barriers to inclusion. This workshop supports the development of inclusive leadership behaviors and offers practical approaches to fostering workplace inclusion.

  • Build Conscious Relationships
  • Disrupt Barriers to Connection
  • Master Social Learning
Designing for Neuroinclusion

Prepare to unleash the power of social innovation by learning how to design for neuroinclusion. By applying your insights from the series into personalizing a framework for social innovation, you’ll complete the series with next steps for empowering neuroinclusion within your workplace.

  • Synthesize Collective Insights
  • Design Workplace Initiatives
  • Activate Neuroinclusion in your Workplace

Our Learning Objectives

Experience the transformative impact of social learning, designed to foster insights from blending educational concepts, relationship-building, and interactive activities. You’ll cultivate a neuroinclusive leadership mindset and gain practical ways to promote social integration within your workforce.


how invisible neurodevelopmental differences impact your thinking and behavior.


human potential through co-creating psychological safe spaces
for self-discovery.


disclosure and self-identification through bringing visibility to lived experiences.


the social construction of (dis)ability and the common challenges in neurodiverse groups.


the barriers to inclusion, including implicit beliefs and blindspots that impede relationship-building.


actionable strategies to promote accessibility, relational awareness, and acceptance in your workplace.


and strategize on best practices for empowering neuroinclusion at work.


a 6-part strategic roadmap for launching a neuroinclusion initiative.


the connectivity of your workplace through launching your inclusion initiative.


Enroll for this exclusive offer with the Conscious Business Institute

The Program Curators

Conscious Business Partner Julia Armet

Julia Armet is the Founder of Higher Playbook, a people and culture consultancy on a mission to re-humanize our work. With a professional trajectory that spans industries, including media, technology, coaching, and leadership consulting, Julia believes meaningful professional relationships are the source of business sustainability. As a certified professional coach and workplace facilitator, Julia is passionate about creating spaces within our professional lives for individuals to deepen their connection to themselves, each other, and the world.

International Partner - Conscious Business Institute Zsuzsanna Ferenczi

Zsuzsanna is a seasoned, award-winning leader with 26 years of experience in high-tech and finance serving highly engaged teams across the globe. Now her focus is to help leaders and organizations reach their full potential and achieve their goals by adopting Conscious Business principles. Her passion to guide leaders through self-discovery, delving into their aspirations for both personal and professional growth led her to co-author “Enter Your Flow," an Interactive Journey toward Fulfillment and Happiness in Your Work Life.

Frequently Asked Questions

This program is for a variety of leaders: People and culture leaders, learning and development professionals, leadership consultants, executive coaches, DEI practitioners, organizational development specialists.

Additionally, if you are a neurodivergent professional who cares to empower neuroinclusion in your workplace, this program will give you practical approaches and opportunities to share with your leaders. You can also share this opportunity with fellow colleagues as a way of promoting neuroinclusion in your workplace.

The three LIVE workshops will occur over Zoom, with the CBI Thinkific platform being a location to engage deeper with resources and the participants. 

We’re here to create a psychologically-safe space to have deeper conversations about who we are, how we think, and how to actualize our potential within our professional lives. Our collective intention is to expand our perceptions and remove barriers to inclusion, within our personal belief systems, interpersonal relationships, and workplaces. 

We will not be getting into detail about identifying neurodivergence or studying each neurotype in detail, as this is not the goal or approach for integrating neurodiversity.Our focus is more about individual leadership: empowering an appreciation for neurodiversity, recognizing personal blind spots, and developing strategies to promote workplace inclusion. 

If you’d like to bring Empowering Neuroinclusion into your team, we’d recommend beginning with the Unmasking Neurodiversity workshop. 

Email [email protected] to discuss how to book that workshop for your team.  From there, we can do discuss what a 3-part social learning series, Empowering Neuroinclusion, could look like inside your workplace. 

Email [email protected] with any outstanding questions.